Today's names

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What do we want

Names Day Australia aims to promote and become the official go-to list of names for Name Day in Australia.

What is Name Day

Name day is a day of the year associated with ones first name, it often consists of a small celebration and can be used instead of ones actual birth date. You can learn more about it here on Wikipedia

How to use website

Businesses: Offer discounts and/or special promotions to those whose name day it is

Individuals: Join a group of people whose name day it is, go have fun and share on instagram. Another reason to have, or throw, a party (you can never have too many).

Website Roadmap


  • Merchandise design competion
    • Open to all, create a design for the 2024 merchandise. Winning designer will receive 10% of sales and 20% of profits are donated to charity, for 2024 it is Dementia Australia. Visit the contest page for more details.
  • Get email notification on your names day
  • Access to names via an API


  • Launch shop